Friday, October 1, 2010


 Listening to White Lie's "To Lose My Life 4 Play". It fascinates me more and more with every time, every minute, every second. And they speak about the subject that is so serious to most. Death. But.

Death is something part of everything, and people view it rather... wrongly, if I may say?. Yet we all have our own opinions and whom is to judge that?. No one. No one, since control is in YOUR hands. Others can't make your choices for you, since they are not living your life. No one. Not even your parents, nor husband, nor the one whom you love more than your own life... Life. It makes me laugh and amuses me. Is it alright to pray for the future that might not even come since you just make wrong decisions?. Whom is to... and there are going, my thoughts falling off from their path. Even I get lost into my own mind, and it may become a nightmare or just an amazing adventure.

I am alright. I am. I am.
At least this is what I tell to myself everyday, secretly.
I am alright. I am alright. I am...

0 bonepepper:

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