Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thorns & More Poison

Seems that there is no chance to trust anyone truly, nor to open up to someone. And I am in the middle of two sides of mine self. To tell him that he betrayed my trust, or just... not. Though there is third choice as well. To make him tell me, that he... hurt me by just telling what I asked him not to.

I don't call them my friends like this. This is not... right, by in many means. If someone has asked me to keep something, and I am confronted like he was. I prefer to die, than brake that promise made. I can't. I just can't tell. It is against the code that I am living. The code of honor and pride. The code of a knight, a warrior.

People tend not to know the true meaning of a promise, it seems. I just... don't understand them. I just want to disappear. Go away from the society. Stay away from it as much as possible, but I know... that I am not ready for that just yet.

0 bonepepper:

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