Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Would you fall apart if the last person you kissed dropped from your life?
Hell no.

Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw?
All of them.
But if I have to choosse, it will be pasta!.

Where's the last place you went besides your house?
Forest beside our house. ^^

Whose bed were you on last, not counting your own?
When it comes to "ON",
then it was my bestest friends'.
When it comes to "IN",
then it is none of your business for sure.


When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
:pointup the very same best friend,
before the last photoshoot.

Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships?
I wouldn't go for none.
It ain't my thing to be in a relationship.
It only causes trouble and hurts.

Want to try me and proove me wrong?.
Don't bother, you WILL be driven away.

Do you remember who you liked 2 months ago?

Last person you had a deep conversation with?
If I could recall it.
My mind is full of other things that matter.
Probably it was Lia Lia.

Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind?

I am not going to lie.
Just leave it open and mysterious to guess for you all.

Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed last night?
I haven't texed for no one very long time,
so the last night falls off anyhow.
If to go to msn or skype messageing//texting,
I will say - Lia and Dasha//Lili.

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Ooooh, it happens constantly.
It is getting over the barriers.

Has anyone said they love you in the last week?
As a friendship matter - yes.


Is there someone you will never forget?
There are many these,
who have touched my life with their shabby wing
and left with a sweetest memories,
between the covers of my lifebook.

I will carry those persons with me all eternity.

Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?
There have been some of those bastards,
that are over of their huge little egos
and claim to be "the One" for you,
so they could have as much as they want to have,
and then dump for the sake of another like me.

Sad, uh?. Sad that I couldn't see it comin'.
Well now I can.
Simply not getting in no relationships.

Think back in April, how was your love life then?
Oh gee, it was a loooong ago.
How can you ask something like that?.

But. The life was.
Full of bars, friendship, backstabbing, drunk days and nights,
drinking one bottle of wine all alone in substitude home with good movies.
Fill of illness, coughing, sorrow and hurt.
Alright, dont as no more about January-March in my life in 2009.
I will not talk about it!.

What does your last text message say?
Some commercial bullshit.
There are no one to message me lately.
I have been forgotten by Estonian "friends".

What do you smell like right now?
Bitter scent of sweat.

What did you do today?
Cooked and taped my windows.
It is getting over to winter here.

Are you mad at anyone right now?.
Why should I be?.

Where did you get the shirt your wearing?
One person, who used to call herself as my "sister".

Are you happy?
Would be somthing like that.

Do you miss anyone?
Yes, the feeling of longing is strong.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Have no memories about it.

Is anything bothering you?
None of yours to concern about.

What are you craving at the moment?
Forever sleep.

Have a best friend?
Two to three.
Though, I myself is the most important person in my life!.

Does the last person who texts you make you smile?

Who was the last person who said I love you to you?
I think it was my Vixy Vixen. ^^''

Who's the biggest asshole you know?
The human race.

Seven months ago do you remember who you liked?

What did you have for breakfast?
Two toasted black breads with pâté,
sweeeeet coffe and one cheese curd with dark chocolate cover.

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Watching movie "27 Dresses".
Gotta love Kathrine Heigl.

Are you looking forward to anything?
Life?. Life!. Life...

Do you currently have any hickeys?
You can dream of it!.
I despise them!.

How much money have you spent today?
Some bit of my old nervs.
No money tho.

How do you feel about your hair right now?
Need to wash them.
Other than that they look sexy.
All messy and such.

What was the first thing you did this morning?
Slept it away.

Are you going to be home tonight?
Here I am currently.

Does your profile song have a meaning?
Why you care?.

Has the opposite sex ever written you a poem?
One friend of mine once did.
Now he is a good Estonian heavy metal band lead singer,
and plays home with a girl.

0 bonepepper:

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