Friday, October 23, 2009

Latest evolution from Mars

Note: The Oldest are upside, the newest are downside road.

It is so obscene. People are obscene.
Well. They die.
Lately they die even more.
Ironic, uh?.
With who ever I talk to, someone has died.

Music: Blur

Donnie Darko: Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?.
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?.
Donnie Darko: Take it off.

I am the fag of the centrum.
There. I admitted it.


For about four years I had mohawk.
Then thought it is time for a change.

 I am now days M.Bulgakov's "Meister & Margarita".
Too much ahead of most people.
Being revolutionary is heavy burden.

 Being verbally beaten last night,
the next morning always feels you have been hit by a truck.

There is no use for drugs.
The high bloodpressure does the job perfectly.

I take you to a cliff, take a seat beside the bucket and you in it,
in melted form, 'cause Im awsome like that,
and we look how the sun drowns.

Yes, I carry  mah biath Jon in a bucket!.

Started to read a book by Louis P.Pojman:
"Ethics: Discovering Right & Wrong".

A person who is the replacement for a significant other, relative,
or friend that isn't around anymore.
This is me. For the life.

((The nature of substitude person.))

Can I pour candies from your blood, when you do it?.

((To Jeffre Star in Twitter,
when he mentioned something about killing himself.)) 

Wakeing up with mixed up dream early in the morning,
knowing you must go out into the cold, soon.
Obviously, it wasn't a plan.

Can someone shoot me and then burry alive?.

Someone pull the electric impulses out of my brain
and shut down the damn factory.
The noise is too loud!.

Woohoo, for migrens!.
I feel the feeling of dieing dead.

Whole day I have been a zombster.
Laters, fluffers.
Imma to bed nao!.

0 bonepepper:

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