About names: Those, who know, just know.
Birthdate: January, 7th, 1986
Place Born: Pärnu, Estonia
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn // Wood Ox // Birch
Height & Weight: 175 cm tall & around 55-60 kg
Eye Color: Different colors = right eye is just blue or has a lot of different colors in it; left eye is usually just blue, and occasionally has green or gray shade.
Hair Color: Coloured red. Natural is ash blonde.
Shoe Size: 36
Ring Size: Have no idea, but it might be something around 5 or so.
Siblings: One brother.
Tattoos: None, but have scetches ready.
Piercings: Had ears and lip piercing. None at the moment, but will come septum, snakebites and stretchened ears.
Hobbies: writing, reading, art, collages, music, being alone, rpg, mmorp, human anatomy, etc.
Color: All colours, tbh.
Food: Salads, tomato, mushrooms, ketchup, pasta, bloodsausages.
Candy: Liquorice, sour candies, chocolate.
Pizza: Pineapple and mushrooms.
Cereal: Chocolate. Yumm.
Fruit: Apples, mangos, watermelons, pears, grapes.
Vegetable: Carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato.
Alcoholic Beverage: Whiskey!!!.
Also sweet red wines, pina colada, absinthe.
Soda: Natural Tartu lemonade.
Cake: Chocolate.
Book: There is a lot of them. Go check: Literature
Radion Station: AOL different ones. Or Raadio 2 ((EST)).
Type of Music: Practically anything, but the most favourates are classical and hard rock, progressive, gothic, symphonic, dnb, ambient, country.
Movie: Movies
Cartoon: Invader Zim, Steamboy, The Fosterhouse of Imaginary Friends.
Actor: Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, John Travolta, Heath Ledger ((RIP
)), Jared Leto, Jake Gyllenhaal.
Actress: Nicole Kidman, Audrey Tautou, Christina Ricci
Music Group: Last FM
Day of the Week: Don't do days of the weeks.
Month: Dose not matter.
Season: Winter
Holiday: Anti-holidays, thanks.
Number: 3, 5, 7, 13.
Restaurant: Pub "Rolling Beer" in Estonia.
Teacher: My first teacher.
Hangout: "Rolling Beer", Pärnu or "Underground" bar in Tartu, Estonia.
Sport to Watch: Snowboarding, skating, bmixing.
Sport to Play: Volleyball, footbag.
Animal: Foxes, Wolves, Cats, Giraffes.
Flower: Small and simple field flowers.
Party Game: Depends. Usually don't do them. Just like to watch others making fool out of themselves and laugh and drink on my own.
Physical Feature: Necks, hands, hair and eyes.
Have You Ever
Been on a Plane: Nada.
Ran into a wall: Have happened. Many times.
Woke up in someones bed: Yeah.
Smoked: Love it.
Been Drunk: Plenty.
Kissed someone of the opposite sex:
Stupid question, of course.
Kissed someone of the same sex: Plenty of times.
Cried over a movie: Yeah. Tears are good, but not to be shown to others, though.
Fallen asleep during a movie: Have happened.
Made a Prank Call: Oh ye.
Skipped School: Oh, many times.
Climbed a tree: Yes, and have fallen asleep on the appletree.
Broken a bone: Nada. Iron bones, mate.
Passed out: Mhmh.
The Last Song you heard: Brick & Lace - Love is Wicked
Thing you said: "I am tired."
Time you cried: Few nights ago.
Movie you saw in a theater: Can't remember. Possibly was one Estonian movie, several years ago. It was the last time.
Thing you ate: Sandwitches.
Thing you drank: Berry tea.
Person to call you: Di.
Person you called: Mom.
Time you showered: Last day.
At this Moment
What are you doing besides this survey: Listening to radio and doing mental disorder tests.
What are you wearing: A lot of clothes. My fave long black-white hoodie.
What are you thinking: I want to die.
What do you wish you were doing: Traveling in US.
Your Future
Occupation: If I live that far. Artist. Producer of movies.
Marriage Site: Fuck that, alone is the best to be.
Honeymoon: Jamaica or Brazil or Spain or Paris.
Place to Live: US, France, Spain.
Kids: Four the most.
Vehicle: Plymouth Road Runner, sky blue and '68.
What are your plans for tomorrow: The same old rutine.
What are your plans for this weekend: To sleep it through.
Next Vacation Site: Nada. Don't do plans.
Out of your Friends
Best Friend: Marju and Liisa.
Funniest: Emy, Liina, Megs.
Loudest: Umm... Braindeath.
Quietest: Max.
Craziest: Megs and Emy.
Smartest: Lili and Lia Lia.
Sexiest: Me.
Most Hyper: Medeabear and myself.
Most Annoying: I don't like those questions, because labeling people like this is not nice!.
Drinks the most: =.=
Parties the most: Fuck you, I don't like it!.
Has Kids: Some have, so what?.
Is Married: Whatever, whoever. Me and Megs.
Who do you wanna hug: All my friends.
Who do wanna kiss: All my friends, who deserve it.
What is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: Is there any?.
First thing you notice in the opposite sex: Shoes.
What do you look for in personality: Stability, humour, understanding, flexibility.
Biggest Turn off: When people step on me and try to get me into chains. I don't do that. The more people gling on me, the more they command me and play tricks with me, the more it pushes me away.
Biggest Turn on: Knowledge, when people know what they want, intelligence, good aura, mysterious existence.
Do you like to hug: Yes, indeed.
This Or That
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Sprite or Sierra Mist: Sprite
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers are more smexy.
Bikini Underwear or Thong: Nada.
Flowers or Candy: Candeh.
TV or Radio: Radio.
Coffee or Tea: Tea.
Sun or Moon: Moon
Day or Night: Night
Dog or Cat:
Ford or Dodge: Dodge, obviously.
Dodge or Chevy: Look up, Dodge, baby.
Blond or Brunette: Brunette
Tall or Short: Taller than me.
Comedy or Romance: Comedy.
Movie at home or Theater: Movie at home.
Single or Group Date: No dates.
Single or Taken: Single and not looking, actually. If things happen, they happen. But I try to avoid relationships, yes.
Other Randomness
What color is your shirt: Stripes. Pink. Purple. Stripes. Violet. Stripes.
What size is your bed: Enough for one.
How long does it take you to shower: A lots of time. Love to take long and hot ones.
What is something you cant live without: Music.
Can you cook: Oh yeah.
How old do you wanna be when you get married: If I even live that long...
Where do you wanna get married: >.<
What is your best physical feature: Neck, legs, eyes.
Do you talk to yourself: Oh yes. Conversations with my "imaginary" friends is very intruiging.
Do you get annoyed easily: Yeah, happens.
Do you like piercing and tattoos: Oui.
Are you crazy?: Indeed.
Do you like to make out: A-sexual I am, thanks.
Can you swim: Oh yes. Can't get out of water, if possible.
Could you be a teacher: Nada.
Do you like Orange juice: Nada.
Are you bored: Very, yes. All the time, mostly.
Birthdate: January, 7th, 1986
Place Born: Pärnu, Estonia
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn // Wood Ox // Birch
Height & Weight: 175 cm tall & around 55-60 kg
Eye Color: Different colors = right eye is just blue or has a lot of different colors in it; left eye is usually just blue, and occasionally has green or gray shade.
Hair Color: Coloured red. Natural is ash blonde.
Shoe Size: 36
Ring Size: Have no idea, but it might be something around 5 or so.
Siblings: One brother.
Tattoos: None, but have scetches ready.
Piercings: Had ears and lip piercing. None at the moment, but will come septum, snakebites and stretchened ears.
Hobbies: writing, reading, art, collages, music, being alone, rpg, mmorp, human anatomy, etc.
Color: All colours, tbh.
Food: Salads, tomato, mushrooms, ketchup, pasta, bloodsausages.
Candy: Liquorice, sour candies, chocolate.
Pizza: Pineapple and mushrooms.
Cereal: Chocolate. Yumm.
Fruit: Apples, mangos, watermelons, pears, grapes.
Vegetable: Carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato.
Alcoholic Beverage: Whiskey!!!.
Soda: Natural Tartu lemonade.
Cake: Chocolate.
Book: There is a lot of them. Go check: Literature
Radion Station: AOL different ones. Or Raadio 2 ((EST)).
Type of Music: Practically anything, but the most favourates are classical and hard rock, progressive, gothic, symphonic, dnb, ambient, country.
Movie: Movies
Cartoon: Invader Zim, Steamboy, The Fosterhouse of Imaginary Friends.
Actor: Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, John Travolta, Heath Ledger ((RIP
Actress: Nicole Kidman, Audrey Tautou, Christina Ricci
Music Group: Last FM
Day of the Week: Don't do days of the weeks.
Month: Dose not matter.
Season: Winter
Holiday: Anti-holidays, thanks.
Number: 3, 5, 7, 13.
Restaurant: Pub "Rolling Beer" in Estonia.
Teacher: My first teacher.
Hangout: "Rolling Beer", Pärnu or "Underground" bar in Tartu, Estonia.
Sport to Watch: Snowboarding, skating, bmixing.
Sport to Play: Volleyball, footbag.
Animal: Foxes, Wolves, Cats, Giraffes.
Flower: Small and simple field flowers.
Party Game: Depends. Usually don't do them. Just like to watch others making fool out of themselves and laugh and drink on my own.
Physical Feature: Necks, hands, hair and eyes.
Have You Ever
Been on a Plane: Nada.
Ran into a wall: Have happened. Many times.
Woke up in someones bed: Yeah.
Smoked: Love it.
Been Drunk: Plenty.
Kissed someone of the opposite sex:
Kissed someone of the same sex: Plenty of times.
Cried over a movie: Yeah. Tears are good, but not to be shown to others, though.
Fallen asleep during a movie: Have happened.
Made a Prank Call: Oh ye.
Skipped School: Oh, many times.
Climbed a tree: Yes, and have fallen asleep on the appletree.
Broken a bone: Nada. Iron bones, mate.
Passed out: Mhmh.
The Last Song you heard: Brick & Lace - Love is Wicked
Thing you said: "I am tired."
Time you cried: Few nights ago.
Movie you saw in a theater: Can't remember. Possibly was one Estonian movie, several years ago. It was the last time.
Thing you ate: Sandwitches.
Thing you drank: Berry tea.
Person to call you: Di.
Person you called: Mom.
Time you showered: Last day.
At this Moment
What are you doing besides this survey: Listening to radio and doing mental disorder tests.
What are you wearing: A lot of clothes. My fave long black-white hoodie.
What are you thinking: I want to die.
What do you wish you were doing: Traveling in US.
Your Future
Occupation: If I live that far. Artist. Producer of movies.
Marriage Site: Fuck that, alone is the best to be.
Honeymoon: Jamaica or Brazil or Spain or Paris.
Place to Live: US, France, Spain.
Kids: Four the most.
Vehicle: Plymouth Road Runner, sky blue and '68.
What are your plans for tomorrow: The same old rutine.
What are your plans for this weekend: To sleep it through.
Next Vacation Site: Nada. Don't do plans.
Out of your Friends
Best Friend: Marju and Liisa.
Funniest: Emy, Liina, Megs.
Loudest: Umm... Braindeath.
Quietest: Max.
Craziest: Megs and Emy.
Smartest: Lili and Lia Lia.
Sexiest: Me.
Most Hyper: Medeabear and myself.
Most Annoying: I don't like those questions, because labeling people like this is not nice!.
Drinks the most: =.=
Parties the most: Fuck you, I don't like it!.
Has Kids: Some have, so what?.
Is Married: Whatever, whoever. Me and Megs.
Who do you wanna hug: All my friends.
Who do wanna kiss: All my friends, who deserve it.
What is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: Is there any?.
First thing you notice in the opposite sex: Shoes.
What do you look for in personality: Stability, humour, understanding, flexibility.
Biggest Turn off: When people step on me and try to get me into chains. I don't do that. The more people gling on me, the more they command me and play tricks with me, the more it pushes me away.
Biggest Turn on: Knowledge, when people know what they want, intelligence, good aura, mysterious existence.
Do you like to hug: Yes, indeed.
This Or That
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Sprite or Sierra Mist: Sprite
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers are more smexy.
Bikini Underwear or Thong: Nada.
Flowers or Candy: Candeh.
TV or Radio: Radio.
Coffee or Tea: Tea.
Sun or Moon: Moon
Day or Night: Night
Dog or Cat:
Ford or Dodge: Dodge, obviously.
Dodge or Chevy: Look up, Dodge, baby.
Blond or Brunette: Brunette
Tall or Short: Taller than me.
Comedy or Romance: Comedy.
Movie at home or Theater: Movie at home.
Single or Group Date: No dates.
Single or Taken: Single and not looking, actually. If things happen, they happen. But I try to avoid relationships, yes.
Other Randomness
What color is your shirt: Stripes. Pink. Purple. Stripes. Violet. Stripes.
What size is your bed: Enough for one.
How long does it take you to shower: A lots of time. Love to take long and hot ones.
What is something you cant live without: Music.
Can you cook: Oh yeah.
How old do you wanna be when you get married: If I even live that long...
Where do you wanna get married: >.<
What is your best physical feature: Neck, legs, eyes.
Do you talk to yourself: Oh yes. Conversations with my "imaginary" friends is very intruiging.
Do you get annoyed easily: Yeah, happens.
Do you like piercing and tattoos: Oui.
Are you crazy?: Indeed.
Do you like to make out: A-sexual I am, thanks.
Can you swim: Oh yes. Can't get out of water, if possible.
Could you be a teacher: Nada.
Do you like Orange juice: Nada.
Are you bored: Very, yes. All the time, mostly.
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