I am here, after all these battles with my own self. Not fun, when the human body gives up and gives the ropes in the hands of one and only pain, that you have caused for yourself, by fucking everything up previously. Then you work hard, even harder, just to maintain the peace that you have won between your arms. You scream, when it starts to slid off, slid off and away. You battle again, bleed like never ending river of Memphis.
Carving into the hope, that this time you will survive, no matter what. Because what else you have left?. Who else to count on than just you and your shadow, that doubles, when the nights are extra cold?. Cold... a feeling, an emotion that burries itself, and resembles the pure poisonous minds of masses. Caring is outfashioned, and you are out numbered anyhow. Why to bother?. Why to keep fighting for the sake of Gaia?.
Because the world changes, everything changes and you will change too. You will die. And the stronger will survive. Good luck. Good luck, because you will need it.
Just don't lie to yourself, stop doing it. Just... STOP, for the sake of your own sanity.
Stop fucking with your own self. Stop, stop, stop, stop doing it!.
You all disgust me.
0 bonepepper:
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