During the time, when I rode to the other town, Pärnu.
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I have understood that certain previous posts in this blog may have no positive energy through thoughts, but from what I see, that through self analyze you won't get where you need to get. This includes the fact that you need to be absolutely, utterly and completely honest with yourself. It might and certanly will cause distress, hurt even, but this happens simply because you ::
a) are not used to this;
b) have been in this phase//state as long as you remember, where things have always been set for and about you
and foremost
c) you are not used to turn all this energy that you turn towards everyone else but yourself (for more about this topic read the previous entry).
I am not trying to tell nor telling you what you need to do and//or about your own life. I am simply opening your eyes, or well... at least give you the chance to open up. Not only your eyes, but also the heart, mind and soul.
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Yes, I am seldom at showing my feelings and emotions, but it does not mean that I am cold or any other like that. I have become even more silent through certain choices that ended up being no right ones at all. I see and always have seen myself from "out of my own body"; as someone else standing in certain range. All of the memories I have, I see through someone else's eyes. Some see it as out of body experience, but the Truth is that I just work out of my human body, {which I call vessel}, most of the time. Though lately I am working on synchronicing body and soul.
0 bonepepper:
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