I started with new drawing after a long time, and I am in the middle with it. I showed it to my parents and asked, what they think about it.
Here is the resolution:
Mother: Why are you always making everything so violent and brutal?.
Me: Others put their frustration and anger into the music and make band, I put it into my art.
I have this light light green paper, and on it a lizard woman, sitting on a skull. These are drawed with black ink. Well, those who know exactly what and how my style is, then they are able to imagine it slightly, but those, who have no idea what so ever, must wait for it, until I am able to scan it in, and first finish it, of course. The woman or creature has one leg stretched forward and through this is black long needle, and the capsule of the needle, where usually is somekind of liquid stuff or whatever, is broken into half. A black blood is dripping out from it. She is naked, instead of her nipples are eyes, one on each breast. She has no fingers, just arms. The ear is stitched and the lips are partly open, smiling. The sky and background is orange/yellow, and there is a pattern running through. I haven't decided on the ground yet and over the skull, which means I have no idea in what color the skull will become. But the lizard lady may become light, indigo blue.
So yeah, they do not understand, why I pain and draw stuff like these, but for me it is a release, a comfort. And I can put the dark things from inside of me into that. Only one person knows what I am talking about, but there may be more.
I will let you all know, when I have it scanned in. It feels so good to draw after a while again, and I have already new ideas running through my head!. 
Music: APC - Vanishing ♥
0 bonepepper:
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