+ The coolest Zodiac sign. People consider us weird, we rarely display bad tempers, we don't really show our emotions, and we're good listeners. Most Capricorns don't act their age. Umm...in terms of forgiving and forgetting, we don't. We put it behind us, but we NEVER forget. It's really hard to describe a Capricorn because we're really complex.
+ A sign of the zodiac that involves anyone whose birthday falls between December 22nd - January 20th. The representative animal is the goat. Typically capricorns are highly addictive, sensitive, smart, intellient, flexible, witty, humorous, loyal and hard working. They rarely have attitudes but can be hard to control and contained when angered.
+ Capricorns are ambitious, modest, patient, responsible, stable, trustworthy, powerful, intellectual, perspicacious and persistent. But they can also be boring and stubborn.
And so on, there is actually a game. And here are my answers. Whahahhaha.
--Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following questions.
--Post the first definition it gives you.
1. (what is my name)
One of the prettiest, smartest, cutest, evil, caring, creative, talented, true punk, psycho, rioting, magic-weilding, sick acting, cute fat cheeks, puts-a-smile-on-my-face, amazing and most beautiful girls ever. Actually.. The only one of her kind.
[[ Well, here you go. I'm evil.
2. (age)
The greatest number of all time.
Reasons why: It is...
+ a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
+ the number of chromosomes in a human sperm or egg.
+ the angle between the earth's magnetic and rotational axis.
+ the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
+ the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
Aaaaand so on.
3. (One of your friends)Matiko
[[ As it dosen't give anything for Matiko, I went for Mati. ]]
This word was commonly use by malaysian's chinese, meaning is in big trouble. It's real meaning is 'die'.
4. (What should you be doing)Cleaning
+ The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
[[ Fact is, that I aint have a closet.
It arrives today. ]]
+ Killing. What a "Cleaner" does.
+ Action that people do when bored.
Involve taking a pile of junk and moving it to somewhere else in the house.
5. (Favorite color)Purple
+ Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
+ Irrefutably the best color in the world. End of story, period. This period signifies the end >.
+ Purple cloth worn as a symbol of royalty and high office.
6. (Birthplace)Estonia
+ Really a kickass country.
[[ Most of the definitions suck about Estonia. Bah. Check it out for yourself, if you want. ]]
7. (Month of your birth)January
+ The best month of the year with February right behind.when the coolest/hottest people were born. Also the prettiest time of the year..snow & winter time.
+ Nantional Hangover Month. Because of the recent holadays and masive partying the general population spends the month hungover.
8. [Last person you talked to (in person)Mother
+ The Person Who Might have raised you, normally a woman.
+ Short for "Mother Fucker".
+ Used to define something larger or better than anything else.
+ A woman who constantly bitches at you for random shit you probably didn't do, to achieve her miserble self-fufillment.
9. (One of your nicknames)Sophia
+ A femme fatale. with intelligence and beauty. she's an "all around girl" like LL's cut. Usually nicknamed Sophia or Phia is very friendly, a down-ass chick, book smart and full of wisdom.
+ Uses "both eyes to see" the world, a wifey type that can make a man satisfied. cook good, look good and feels good. A one of kind girl, rare to find and once you find it hold on to it till eternity.
+ A girl's name that means wisdom in Greek.
+ Sophia is the kind of person who is loud but is soft at the same time. She is the type of person to make you fell better as soon as you see her.
+ Hairy, strange looking, a rash...
10. (The last person you texted)Doora
[[ One of my oldest friends on Earth!. And as there is no double O's, I will use one. Dora. ]]
+ A German railway cannon used during World War II. The Dora cannon had a bore of 800mm and fired high explosive shells that were disigned to penetrate several meters deep into any surface. This cannon was cabable of knocking out ammunition storage areas deep under ground. This cannon was so large that it had to run on two sets of tracks, and it could only be turned when there was a turn in the tracks (the gun did not have a turret or similar device). The Dora cannon no longer exists. When the Allies found it, it was in pieces.
+ To drink large amounts of alcohol and become intoxicated.
+ Slang for a females coochie.
Reasons why: It is...
+ a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
+ the number of chromosomes in a human sperm or egg.
+ the angle between the earth's magnetic and rotational axis.
+ the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
+ the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
Aaaaand so on.
3. (One of your friends)
[[ As it dosen't give anything for Matiko, I went for Mati. ]]
This word was commonly use by malaysian's chinese, meaning is in big trouble. It's real meaning is 'die'.
4. (What should you be doing)
+ The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
[[ Fact is, that I aint have a closet.
+ Killing. What a "Cleaner" does.
+ Action that people do when bored.
Involve taking a pile of junk and moving it to somewhere else in the house.
5. (Favorite color)
+ Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
+ Irrefutably the best color in the world. End of story, period. This period signifies the end >.
+ Purple cloth worn as a symbol of royalty and high office.
6. (Birthplace)
+ Really a kickass country.
[[ Most of the definitions suck about Estonia. Bah. Check it out for yourself, if you want. ]]
7. (Month of your birth)
+ The best month of the year with February right behind.when the coolest/hottest people were born. Also the prettiest time of the year..snow & winter time.
+ Nantional Hangover Month. Because of the recent holadays and masive partying the general population spends the month hungover.
8. [Last person you talked to (in person)
+ The Person Who Might have raised you, normally a woman.
+ Short for "Mother Fucker".
+ Used to define something larger or better than anything else.
+ A woman who constantly bitches at you for random shit you probably didn't do, to achieve her miserble self-fufillment.
9. (One of your nicknames)
+ A femme fatale. with intelligence and beauty. she's an "all around girl" like LL's cut. Usually nicknamed Sophia or Phia is very friendly, a down-ass chick, book smart and full of wisdom.
+ Uses "both eyes to see" the world, a wifey type that can make a man satisfied. cook good, look good and feels good. A one of kind girl, rare to find and once you find it hold on to it till eternity.
+ A girl's name that means wisdom in Greek.
+ Sophia is the kind of person who is loud but is soft at the same time. She is the type of person to make you fell better as soon as you see her.
+ Hairy, strange looking, a rash...
10. (The last person you texted)
[[ One of my oldest friends on Earth!. And as there is no double O's, I will use one. Dora. ]]
+ A German railway cannon used during World War II. The Dora cannon had a bore of 800mm and fired high explosive shells that were disigned to penetrate several meters deep into any surface. This cannon was cabable of knocking out ammunition storage areas deep under ground. This cannon was so large that it had to run on two sets of tracks, and it could only be turned when there was a turn in the tracks (the gun did not have a turret or similar device). The Dora cannon no longer exists. When the Allies found it, it was in pieces.
+ To drink large amounts of alcohol and become intoxicated.
+ Slang for a females coochie.
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