Magnificent story and movie!.
I love it with every nuclear of my body.
Love it!. Love it!. Love it!.
Just finished watching it. And besides...
John Travolta's one of the best roles is in that movie.
If not the best!.
The Movie is now in the same catecorie with movie Elizabethtown.
There is something that takes you down with you,
drowns into you and leaves behind a mark.
A purest feeling.
Quotes from the movie:
Lawson Pines: Time was never a friend to Bobby Long. It would conspire against him, allowing him to believe in a generous nature and then rob him blind everytime. We'd lost Lorraine. All of us. But long before she died.
Georgianna: So now what? Lorraine finally kick ya'll out?
Bobby Long: No... she never would. Besides, God wouldn't let that happen.
Lawson Pines: Really? And why not?
Bobby Long: Cause God knows me and I know God.
Lawson Pines: New Orleans is a siren of a city. A place of fables and illusion. A place Lorraine had to escape from and Bobby and I had to escape to. Away from Alabama, away from lives that no longer belong to us.
They were constantly playing a game of qoutes.
Bobby Long: We cannot tear out a single page of our lives, but we can throw the whole book in the fire.
Lawson Pines: George Sand.
Bobby Long: Now I thought that would be a hard one.
Lawson Pines: We die only once, and for such a long time.
Bobby Long: Molière.
Lawson Pines: You know you eat like shit?
Pursy Will: You drink too much.
Lawson Pines: Okay.
Pursy Will: Why'd ya'll leave that school?
Lawson Pines: It's complicated. So many reasons.
Pursy Will: Tell me one.
Lawson Pines: A lot happened really fast. And New Orleans, all this, seemed romantic at the time.
Pursy Will: Is it? Is it romantic?
Lawson Pines: It has its moments.
Bobby Long: Now just exactly who is Plato and who is Socrates in this equation? Cause fuck, I'll just stay out.
Lawson Pines: You are Socrates, of course. You are the teacher.
Bobby Long: Goddamn right I am.
Pursy Will: I wish you'd all just shut up. Cause if it's gonna be like this, I ain't learning nothing.
Bobby Long: Girl, your English is fucking atrocious!
Bobby Long: Someone should have told those Creole people we got something called winter in Louisiana
Pursy Will: Well, y'all might've improved on their oversight with this cool new invention called HEAT.
Bobby Long: Pursy, where'd you put the vodka?
Pursy Will: You told me to hide it.
Bobby Long: I did. But where did you hide it?
Pursy Will: I'm not supposed to tell you, remember?
Bobby Long: Goddamn, you don't do anything else I tell you to do. Now where is it?
Pursy Will: Lawson! Bobby's trying to get me to tell him where the vodka is again.
[Lawson enters]
Lawson Pines: Pursy, it is Christmas.
Pursy Will: Oh whatever. It's under the back stairs.
Bobby Long: Lawson is not in love with you.
Georgianna: Bobby, I don't think thats any of your damn business.
Bobby Long: I've seen him with a woman that he can't get enough of. A woman that's crawled into every molecule of his being. That consumed his every thought and turned him into a creature of devotion and obsession. I have the scars of that love on my face, have ya told her about that? Have you told her about the difference between true love and a warm bed to pass the time away?
Lawson Pines: Oh cool it man. Don't go after her, I never said I was going anywhere.
Bobby Long: I only speak the truth. The woman deserves to know the truth. And you, you're free to do as you please.
Lawson Pines: Am I, really? Finally free huh?
Bobby Long: I wanna say something on this occasion where I celebrate my love and frienships with one another. Friend, my enemy, I call you out. You, you, you there with a bad thorn in your side. You there, my friend, with a winning air. Who pawned the lie on me when he looked brassly at my shyest secret. With my whole heart under your hammer. That though I loved him for his faults as much as for his good. My friend were an enemy upon stilts with his head in a cunning cloud.
Lawson Pines: Bravo, man. Now why dont you come out and fucking say what you really mean. Does every word out of your mouth have to be in character? Or is that the idea? Just to be anyone but who you really are. You want to tell me that your disappointed in me? Cause maybe im disappointed in you. You know I never asked to write your damn book. Your redemption and my penance, right? Havent I paid? Nine fucking years. I'm sorry. I am sorry all right. I am so fucking sorry.
Bobby Long: It's Dylan Thomas. That's an easy one.
Lawson Pines: Some people reach a place in time where they've gone as far as they can. A place where wives and jobs collide with desire. That which is unknowable and those who remain out of sight. See what it is invisible and you will see what to write. That's how Bobby used to put it. It was the invisible people he wanted to live with. The ones that we walk past everday, the ones we sometimes become. The ones in books who live only in someones mind's eye. He was a man who was destined to go through life and not around it. A man who was sure the shortest path to Heaven was straight through Hell. But the truth of his handicap lay only in a mind both exalted and crippled by too many stories and the path he chose to become one. Bobby Long's tragic flaw was his romance with all that he saw. And I guess if people want to believe in some form of justice, then Bobby Long got his for a song.
Pursy Will: Everyone knows that books are better than life! That's why they're books!
Bobby Long: Well, years ago he trusted my opinion.
Lawson Pines: Years ago you were easier to trust.
Epitaph on Bobby Long's gravestone at the end of the movie: And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world. - Robert Frost
The movie is very comforting, specially for me, as it helps me to forget my troublesome faith and heart; as it gives something invisible, something secretly: as it shares the hope and fake love; as it just is, leaving and giving and takeing and makeing the movie you and you as the movie. Beautiful!.
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