Well I had another... interesting dream. I was on an adventure again, but I can recall only some things, and everything is mixed up.
At first I was alone, then there were three of us. We had a stone, that I think we were supposed to keep safe and protect. Then were captured and we had to quess two riddles that were on a two smooth papers. Each had a black and white photos about some men.
I stood on my one leg, the other leg I bended and laid on the others knee. Then I drank sake. It had mixture of tastes like bitter and sweet and sour, which ended up like didnt have no taste at all.
In between those pictures was something else going on. There guards and there were a room. Five girls were standing in a water, that reached to their chest. They were holding a small stone each. And there was someone else on the otherside of the room, pushing someking of a button. The same stone that were captured was in somekind of a machine. I couldn't see clearly. When the person said "Ready?", the all five women//girls dived in the bottom of the flushed floor. But nothing worked.
Oh they had big white board beside them. Then they discovered that one girl, who had long black hair and wore short black leather jacket, wears gloves. Black leather gloves. Then she stood beside the board and liftes some colorful stones on it like a puzzle and set up a picture.
Next picture was how a man, with long hair ((Sometimes I was in his skin, and then I wasn't)) and looked like a chinese man, held the stone in his jacket. He escaped, looking for the exit. The building was big and he found the room. Before reaching outside, he met a family. I think there were two men and a powerful woman.
Next pircture. The same chinese man found a bycicle, that had no brakes. Through his mind reflects a memory how he saw someone riding with the bike, pushing the brakes and falling on the ground. He reaches to his other two mates who seemed to be free for now. They were sitting behind the gardenfurniture - white table and three chairs. In the middle of nowhere. He layd the stone on the table, and somekind of a bread, that one of his mates starts to lick. The bread had seeds. Then he takes out a ((gray clay?.)) bowl with a wooden ((?.)) spoon and buckwheat porridge. I was in one of his mates body, eating the porridge. It was still hot.
The chinese man told: "The family gave me food..."
It is like I am missing some pices. It all was built up like a movie or I was in other dimension, in other realm. And mostly I was just seeing things through other peoples eyes, being in their bodies. Cause I don't recall myself being in this reality. I was like completeely switched off.
13 years ago
0 bonepepper:
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